Facebook 1.6 Billion Users! Google is watching…

Facebook Reaches 1.6 Billion Users! Google is watching…

Facebook SEO

Linked Source: TechCrunch

Google is watching what we do on Social Media – Like a Hawk!

Give First – Be Amazing

Love it or hate it, you might as well close up shop if you are not going to embrace Facebook and other social Media—end of story!

That’s a bold statement, and it was meant to be. With over 70% of the world’s internet users on Facebook, we feel that strongly about it!

Today it’s Facebook; who knows what it will be tomorrow. Social media is evolving at a fast pace, but it’s here to stay. Plus, it’s a fantastic way to grow your business, engage customers, and also to recruit, engage, and motivate employees.

Poll after poll reveals that the majority of Americans say Facebook is their #1 influencer of purchases. Furthermore, almost 100% of customers trust recommendations from their friends and family on social media. What did you do today to influence 70% of your potential customers?

Chapter 10 Highlights

 Very Important:

•Google’s best indication of good content

•Don’t ignore 70% of your customers

•Drive traffic to your website

•Facebook Posts and Tweets are showing up in the Google Search Results


•Give First

•Facebook and Twitter are search engines


•What’s up with that hashtag thingy #?

 Are You In?

 The bottom line is that Facebook brought us to this social media party and everyone’s in—are you?

All of the social media platforms have the same basic functionality: posts, pictures, comments, likes, links, shares etc. You might as well learn on Facebook and join the party!