Category: Mobile Friendly

Is Your site Mobile Friendly ?? Better be by May of this Year

Is your site mobile friendly yet??

iPhone Stand

iPhone Stand Manufactured by the Author (shameless plug ; )

Klemen Kloboves from Google said “beginning in May, we’ll start rolling out an update to mobile search results that increases the effect of the ranking signal to help our users find even more pages that are relevant and mobile-friendly.”

Responsive Website Design in Pictures

Is Your Website Mobile Friendly? Do it with Responsive Website Design.


responsive website design

By JOSE LUIS DOBUSS ( [CC BY-SA 4.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons

We know that Google favors websites that are mobile friendly. In fact, Google gives us a website to “test” our websites for being mobile friendly.  Here is the link: 

So, how do you create a mobile friendly website?  One that adjusts to any device that one of your website visitors might be using?  It’s called Responsive Design.

Google Mobile Friendly

Is Your Website Mobile Friendly?

Keep in mind that over half of searches are done on mobile devices now. That means that standard page layout is turned on its head. You need to think about how your site looks when users are scrolling down with their thumb.

Google knows that over half of the searches are performed on a mobile device. They have been warning us for years to be mobile friendly. More importantly, we need to accommodate over half of our customers!

In 2015 Google came out and told website owners to get mobile friendly or be penalized. They have never made a statement like this before—so you better pay attention.

This is the first time in history that Google has pre-announced an upcoming algorithm change and they are calling it “significant,” which got our attention. Google is even giving a website address where you can check to see if your website is mobile friendly: Google Mobile-Friendly Test website 

google mobilr friendly

Google Mobile Friendly Test Example – We’re Good!

Google says a mobile friendly website meets the following criteria as detected by Googlebot: